A Renewable Energy Community revolves around its main driving force, namely the promoter, who advocates for its establishment. Entities that can form a Renewable Energy Community and, consequently, act as promoters include:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Individuals
- Territorial bodies or local authorities
- Municipal administrations
- Research and training institutions
- Religious, third-sector, and environmental protection entitie
Thus, a renewable energy community can be established by public administrations as well as individual private individuals who join forces.
Within the community, three types of actors emerge:
Consumers: This category encompasses those who choose to join the community without hosting renewable energy installations, thereby contributing to energy sustainability without directly engaging in renewable energy production.
Producers: This category includes those dedicated to energy production through renewable installations. However, they do not directly consume the energy produced, focusing primarily on generating sustainable energy.
Prosumers: This role combines both dimensions, acting as both a producer of energy through renewable installations and a consumer. Prosumers are active members of the Renewable Energy Community (REC) who have installed installations on their building rooftops, actively participating in both energy production and consumption within the community.