The energy born from our differences takes us far
City Green Light is committed to creating an open, respectful and pluralistic work environment where every individual can express their full potential. The Company recognizes, welcomes and values the diversity of all individuals who interact with and contribute to the organization, including employees, collaborators, suppliers and stakeholders in general, as a catalyst for growth and success: diverse experiences, skills and qualities stimulate development opportunities.
To concretize these values, City Green Light has decided to implement a Diversity & Inclusion and Gender Equality Management System within its organization, in accordance with the international standard ISO 30415:2021 and the UNI PdR 125:2022 standard.
The company policy promotes equal opportunities throughout all stages of employment, starting from the selection and hiring process to professional development paths. City Green Light implements non-discriminatory compensation policies to ensure pay equity and supports parents, caregivers and individuals facing personal challenges with specific measures.
To facilitate work-life balance, the company introduces programs that promote equilibrium using remote work for all roles. Furthermore, the company is committed to preventing abuse and harassment through targeted training, ongoing monitoring and prompt managament of any incidents, thereby creating a safe and inclusive work environment for everyone.